image with lights but focused on one single tiny light bulb


We want kids & teens to keep growing in their faith & friendships, so we host events all year long to help them connect with God and others. Check out all our upcoming NextGen events for your family here.

Kids Easter Celebration

Kids Easter Celebration

Saturday | April 12 | 9:30-11:30

Calling all preK - 3rd grade (and their families)! The Easter bunny is on his way! Celebrate at Tower Hill at this pop in event with egg hunts, games, crafts, snacks, the Easter bunny & more!

Silent Disco

Silent Disco

March 21 | 7-9

Calling all High Schoolers! Join us for a night of fun in Webster Hall. We will have a Glow in the Dark Silent Disco night, with music, dancing, 9 square, and food! This is a free event -- but we need you to rsvp ahead of time. Feel free to invite friends, but have them rsvp too.



June 30-July 4

Save the dates for Vacation Bible School this year! Registration will begin for Tower Hill attendees on May 12.

We Need Volunteers!

We Need Volunteers!

Help the next generation grow their faith! We promise we will make it easy for you!

2024-2025 Registration for Sunday School & Youth Groups

2024-2025 Registration for Sunday School & Youth Groups

We need your updated information EACH YEAR. Please register your kids for the 2024-2025 school year now!

image of a group women smiling for a camera at a towerhill event


Whether you're new to church or have been part of one for twenty years, we're glad you found us. We're committed to being a church that both longtime believers and brand new faith explorers love to attend. Ask your questions, dig in, and get connected.