We've designed our Kids programs to teach about God in a fun and engaging way. We teach kids in environments where they feel comfortable and with content they love.
Our High School students meet every week during our 10:15AM worship. Real fun. Read conversation. Donuts included. High schoolers are also welcome to join our weeknight program, which meets Wednesday nights @6:30PM during the school year.
Our Middle School students meet during 10:15AM worship. Real fun. Real conversation. Donuts included. Middle school students can also join our weeknight program Thursday nights @6PM during the school year.
Our Pre-Teen students meet during 10:15AM worship. They will come to church, have fun, worship, and learn about Jesus. Pre-Teen students can also join our weeknight program Thursday nights @6PM during the school year.
At Tower Hill, we love our kids! And, our kids love us! Every Sunday at our 10:15 service our pre-screened and trained volunteers lead your kids in age-appropriate worship and teaching. They will come to church, have fun, worship, and learn about Jesus with engaging teachings perfect for their time in life!
At Tower Hill, we love our littles! And, our littles love us! Every Sunday at our 10:15 Contemporary Worship service our pre-k kids are led in age-appropriate worship and teaching. They will come to church, have fun, worship, and learn about Jesus. Our nursery is open at both our 10:15 and 11:30 Contemporary Worship Services. Our pre-screened and trained volunteers are well versed in babies and preschoolers. Plus enjoy programming throughout the year specifically for Tower Hill Littles!
Please check in before service. Volunteers are present at our check-in counter where parents or family members bring their children. Look for the big waving orange inflatable on the patio - check in is just inside that door!
Our leaders play a short, upbeat video and then talk through each week's lesson about how it relates to real life.
Our younger kids participate in activities that build on the lesson that week. Our middle/high school students break off into small groups to discuss the lesson.
Fun is incorporated into all we do, to help create an environment where kids and teens are excited to come to church, and eager to engage and learn more.
Our volunteers are vital to our kids. They not only show up on Sunday to teach and love the children of our church, but they also play a role in preparation and events throughout the week.
VOLUNTEERFind all the events we have for kids, teens and families! There are SO MANY you don't want to miss! Click on the link and get your calendars ready!
Register NowCheck out Studio 252! It shows samples of the content we use with the kids on Sunday mornings. Or better yet, download the Parent Cue App to stay up to date on what's happening in Sunday School, get parenting tips, and receive weekly cues that are relevant to the exact age and stage of your kid's life. The Parent Cue App aligns directly with our Orange Curriculum.
Thursdays, 6:00–8:00pm
Our Middle School program is for grades 6–8 that allows students to encounter the love & grace of Christ, experience God-centered relationships, and express God's love by serving others. Through a mix of fun, food, music, games, as well as large and small group experiences, it is the perfect place to come in the middle of your week to recharge and refocus to finish strong!
REGISTER HEREjenn@towerhillchurch.org
Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30pm
Wednesdays at Tower Hill are for grades 9–12 where teens are allowed to explore, learn, dig deeper, and grow in their faith. Students are able to take a break and recharge through fun, fun, food, music, games, and friendship in both large and small group settings.
REGISTER HERELindsey@towerhillchurch.org
Thursdays 6:00-8:00PM
Our Pre-Teen Group is for Grades 4–5 and meets Thursdays at Tower Hill from 6–7:30pm.
Kids enjoy fun gym games, food, and discussions. We touch on many topics that interest, concern, and engage the "Tweens" of today in an environment that is fun, safe, laid back, and focused on faith!